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Developer - Community, Linus Torvalds
Linux is a family of thousands of operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Linux itself is not an operating system, it is a computer kernel that works at the lowest of the operating system, and provides basic hardware services. Linux is everywhere, it will be in your mobile phone, computer, home...

Developer - Microsoft
Microsoft Windows is currently the most popular desktop / laptop operating system, which has more than 80% market share of the global desktop operating system market. It was developed by Microsoft, and the first public version was released in 1985. Windows is usually used on personal compu...

Chromium OS
Developer - Google
Chromium OS is an open source operating system project by Google, which uses the Chromium (web browser engine) as its user interface, and is designed to run web apps. The OS is based on the Linux kernel, and instead of distributing it directly to the consumers, compile is required through the source...

Developer - Google
Android is a Linux kernel based open source operating system designed primarily for mobile phones. It is currently developed and maintained by Google, and the source code is available on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) website. Like Linux Distro, Android can be customized in any way. Many pho...